The future depends on what we do in the present
Mahatma Gandhi
We embrace responsibility!
It goes without saying that we adhere to environmental and social standards, from development to the production of your collection, and that we manufacture exclusively in BSCI certified production facilities.
For us this means environmental responsibility, fairness, valuing our employees, health and safety, grievance procedures, upholding the code of conduct and acting with foresight.
This is confirmed by ISO 9001 certification, membership of the Alliance for Sustainable Textiles and BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) certification, among others.
In our day-to-day operations, we also actively contribute to improving social and environmental standards in the textile supply chain. Because we are convinced that treating people and nature with consideration and respect is the best way to ensure future success together.
Tangible proof of this is our company headquarters in Wolfertschwenden which was built according to the latest energy and environmental standards.
Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a non-profit organisation founded in 2003 and based in Brussels. It was founded in 2003 on the initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA). It builds on a platform of retail companies and associations to develop European codes of conduct and monitoring systems which eventually became the basis for a common European monitoring system for social standards.
OEKO-TEX® enables consumers and companies to make responsible decisions that will preserve our planet for future generations. The testing and certification processes behind our standards guarantee the highest level of consumer safety. We make it easy for you to act sustainably: Find out about the OEKO-TEX® portfolio here or request your desired certification or service here.
As an employers' and trade association we represent the interests of the Bavarian textile and apparel industry from Aichach to Zirndorf. We cover a broad range of issues and offer consulting services including labour law and social policy, foreign trade and trade policy, payment and delivery conditions, environmental protection, training and further education and collective bargaining policy.